A Hawaiian Eatery Is Looking to Open in Santa Rosa

"Hawaii is a melting pot of ethnic cultures and nowhere is this influence more profound than in its cuisine: a fusion of Hawaiian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Filipino, and Chinese influences."
"The restaurant closed for renovations in October," shares Restaurant 3000's owner, Joel Sage of So Delicious Management Group.
"Our story began in 1957 when we opened a restaurant called ‘Kangnam’ in Incheon, South Korea."
Behind the concept is Franz Dennis Aragon of Mona's Burgers and Shakes.
The restaurant will land near Aqui Cupertino, Ox 9 Lanzhou Handpulled Noodle, and Trader Joe's.
The restaurant will land near the Sunnyhills Shopping Center, Sunrise Tea Studio, and bubble tea shop Xing Fu Tang. 

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